Gurbani 10:The Season of Spring



The season of spring has dawned, the human mind illumined, JYOT in the inner shrine kindled, body-sense and soul enlightened; a mystique and explicit powerful enlivenment braces the atmosphere.

It's Turn Time. All elements, party entities of all shade-directions; left, right, centre, backward, forward, vertical or underground are in their sagacious, transcendent mien and are poised, to consensualise and confluence, in their co-operative, spirited-collectiveness, to build/enhance the bloom of progress in reforms, in its global connectivity perspective. God, Nature and Creation, already in their cosmic connect, bless, heighten and enrich the ecstatic enthrall of Basant and its perennial impact continuity.

It is time to wake up to avert defeat of conscience that permits ignoble pursuit of exploitation, depravery, degradation and possibly, of necluar doom, to shame life with. Time to swing with spring and gired up to mobilize the world-conscience that leads to honourable endeavour for just and fair, welfared, bloom. An age of conscience and enlightenment.

In this prevailing fresh light and elation, the inner and the outer human eyes have opened up and aligned, in synergic trans-visionment, to re-discover and reach the realm of Truth in the universal purpose of human existence.

The Earth and Space hold assuring promise for the burst of vegetation sproutals, growth, reaping and fruition. The swing invigorates and opens-forth mind-soul to admit "Atam Pragas". Atam Pragas is inner bloom. The integration of inner and outer bloom widens and sharpens the human awareness-ken, empowers conscience, builds Budh Vivek, which consolidates co-existential harmony, amity, peace; ennobles and enables era of righteousness, hope and achievement.

The season and the climate are opportune, conducive, inspirational, in serving-mode for Jan-Sata to avail and join the forward swing in momentum. In its larger context, it's probably, Nature`s eternally renewable insurance-package offering.

A sign, signal post beckons for grant of clearance to people of global republic, to advance enthusiastically, determinedly, collectively, the wheels of the train of millennial goals, towards a wholesome saintly world order, with thunderous raising of multi-macro, developmental slogans of "Nischey Kar Apni Jeet Karon".

The hill peak tops are heavily snow-capped, to stream the Absharik flow of life. The biting chill, frost, and the blinding fog have disappeared and the late-laden- clouds are on withdrawal. The message-borne winsome winds winnow the chaff, dust, and pollution. The horizons get clean and chaste.

All species are alive to Life-Force beat inside them. Through their innocent, quite, suave, mien, they seem to offer their silent gratitudinial obeisance in acknowledgement and affirmation of His presence; barring an element of errata in human mechanism; because, the thinking "Sikdar" is criss-crass, in meanderings, illusion's, ego; in Mamom and material enticement, bogged in quagmire; helplessly crying for recovery and redemption.

So far as the question of worship is concerned, the worship has to be of the conscience, of righteousness, of the vast sprawl majesty, mystery and benevolence of nature. The worship has to be of people, for God is in people and peoples's Regime has to be Godly. The worship is for Bahisht-e-Jahan. And the incense has to be of goodness that will be continually raised in the open Khand Brahamand for fragrance in terms of geniality, outlook and action of God's human beings.


Rama Nand expresses his feelings of Basant in his most stirring Psalm starting with above quoted words from Granth Sahib.
Bhagat Rama Nand is charmed by the advent of Basant.

An intense delight has overwhelmed his heart and soul.

His mind has shed futile meanderings and come to a state of balanced, calm- repose.

He observes that with every day-dawn, there is an urge in human persons to proceed to shrines for worship.

For this, they adopt various God symbols, perform rites and rituals, make supplications to God for grant of their needs and wishes

Saint Rama Nand, here conveys his own experience of revelation, in affirmation of the crux of Truth and Divinity.

He says that the God, we so longingly seek, is right inside us all. He is the all pervading powerful ruling force, an eternal phenomenon of the universe.

And, then, Rama Nand delivers home his point, assertively that all great apostles, scholars, devout faithists have churned and deeply researched holy scriptures of all religions. They confluence to conclude, that God throbs His presence in all human beings. He is not confined to the walls of Churches , Mandirs, Mosques and Gurdawaras or even unseen heaven.

When, the inside is lit with His recognition, the vision for outside gets kindled, transformed and enabled to survey, wonder, admire and gratefully acknowledge His DARSHONO, in his uncountable manifestational expanse, everywhere, in all things.

All darkness, illusions, superstitions, fears, liars are dispelled in this open vision of the mind. Rama Nand become one with Raja Ram. That is the rapture and glow in the exuberance of Basant.

Contributed by:~ Surindar Singh

Part of the Dream Weave Walk 1999-2007

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